Saturday, February 16, 2008

Opening day of our group exhibition 'the unknown' at
Raja Ahmad's gallery. Artists Aisyah, Avroco, Meme,
Haslin, Rahmat Haron, Farhana, artist cum curator Seihon
and yourstruly had a rocking time. One of my pieces using
collage, Accidental Prose and Other mishaps

Receding off the Radar

Polaris Kaleidoscope

Recurring dreams of entrophy

mind portals

New works on paper..
pencil on graphite,
door to the river

The Bangun Abandoned Project held in the abandoned houses
next to Lost Gen. Rahmat and I came up with an installation, an altar
as an offering to nature.


The Tapai (Rice-wine) drinking session,
an essential experienced. The hosting villagers
were Dusun.

I found some of the warmest and most welcoming people in the village...
in Sabah, it didn't feel like I was in Malaysia.

Little piggies running free

off in beautiful Sabah...where nearly all is green =-)
on a mission with Yunus as his assistant, voter's education
pilot program

Ancient Temple, Cambodian Influenced,
the area I was dispatched to was Buriram,
nearby the Cambodian Border..

There's nothing quite like sitting at the back of a 4-WD pickup
unfortunately, its illegal here...


My kind interpretor T, and our P-net buddy Om...

Nusrat at ANFREL briefing, it was for both of us, our first election observation,
two times in Bangkok within a month! how fun....

Tad's last house party, post xmas 2007

Tad's Greek cat, Cassandra

Looking to the Moon

Fun at Lost Gen, photo by Poodein

Seelan spent his birthday in Kuala Lumpur, on the day of the Hindraf Rally

My friend Ted lives in this amazing house, Edward Scissor hands I thought, when I first approached it at night, he rents the space with the door on the left ;) from an eccentric old, and very rich man. He was nice enough to let me crash at his pad, as well as bringing me to the choice spots for cheap but most awesome shopping in Bangkok!